To actively contribute to the social and economic development of the communities in which we operate and to be an organization that continually respond to the changing social realities through the development and application of knowledge, towards development of sustainable society that promote and protects the equality, social justice and Human Rights for all.

Appropriate Technology, Environment & Sustainable Development. Human Rights and Entitlements. Poverty Reduction, Food Security and Sustainable Livelihood. Gender Equalities and Social Justice. Good Governance and Strengthening Democracy. Human Resource Development. Improvement of health, hygiene and sanitation status by way of empowering people & involving their own institutions.

Aims and Objectives:

  • Creation of job oriented programmes
  • Education for all programme
  • All round development of downtrodden and backward people of the society
  • Health and sanitation and rural development
  • Awareness programme for children, youth and women welfare.

Values and Principles:
Jeevan “The Lift” encourages the following values to be practiced both at individual and organizational level.

  • Honesty.
  • Transparency and Accountability.
  • Mutual respect.
  • Creativity.
  • Gender sensitiveness.
  • Cost efficiency.
  • Participation.